- 身体自医法Human Bodyself-healing
- 精神自医法MentalSelf-healing
- 疾病应对法IllnessSelf-healing
- 床沿吊头自医法 跺脚驱邪自医法 鼻疾自医法 背部舒筋自医法
杏林春暖心 立心立命史 自医学业兴 全球示文明 回首2020年,突如其来的疫情使得全球伯虑愁眠,不过我国很快重整旗鼓,同心齐力打响抗击疫情之战。著名...
Shaohua zhang discovered that the human body can cure itself of maligant dysentery by ice water when he worked at Ministry of Culture and Education, in Changzhi county, Shanxi Province. After,he tried his best to carry out the research of Self-healing.章韶华院士带领学生们到乡下去实践自医法。
Shaohua Zhang led his students to the countryside to prcatice and teach self-healing medicine.2015年《自医学纲要》第一版在新加坡出版。
The first edition of Outline of Self-healing Medicine was published in Singapore,2015.2016年 北京章韶华自医学研究院(有限合伙)在北京房山区揭牌成立
2016,The reseach institute of Beijing ShaohuaZhang's self-healing medicine was founded at Fangshan, Beijing.2017年自医学首次全国巡讲的公益活动在山东郓城开展,吸引了三百多名自医学爱好者参加。
The first nationwide public welfare lecture tour was held in Yuncheng,shandong province. It had attracted more than 300 interested people.2018年 首届自医学国际研讨会在非洲肯尼亚内罗毕肯雅塔国际会议中心举办。
The first international seminar of Self-healing medicine was held at Kenyata international conference center,Nairobi, Kenya, Africa,2018.